History – The Foundation and Expansion of the British Rule in India

Std VIII – Ch 3

Question Op1 Op2 Op3 Op4 Answer
Who was the Nawab who tried to check the illegal trade practices of the British? Siraj ud-Daulah Mir Jafar Mir Kasim Shuja ud-Daulah Mir Kasim
Which Peshwa entered into a subsidiary alliance in 1802? Madhavrao Raghunathrao Bajirao II Narayanrao Bajirao II
Which territory’s chieftain rose against the British? Multan Bengal Carnatic Hyderabad Multan
Why did a conflict arise between Siraj ud-Daulah and the British? Siraj ud-Daulah employed French soldiers. The British traders fortified their factories without seeking permission from Siraj ud-Daulah. Siraj ud-Daulah bought Dutch canons. The British sold opium in Bengal. The British traders fortified their factories without seeking permission from Siraj ud-Daulah.
How did the British enter into the Maratha politics? The Marathas sought British help against Ahmed Shah Abdali. The Marathas attacked British factories in Surat. The Marathas had a civil war after the death of Narayanrao. Raghunathrao in his greed for the seat of Peshwa, asked the British for help. Raghunathrao in his greed for the seat of Peshwa, asked the British for help.
Why did the British decide to bring Afghanistan under their dominance? The British were afraid of Russian aggression on India via Afghanistan. Afghans wanted to attack India. Afghanistan had gold and diamond mines. Afghanistan had oil reserves. The British were afraid of Russian aggression on India via Afghanistan.
What led to the wars between the British and the French? Britain wanted to conquer France. In the eighteenth century, a conflict for the seat of the Nawab of Carnatic flared up among the Indian rulers.  The English and the French saw this as a golden opportunity to enter the Carnatic politics.  The French offered military assistance to one of the aspirants while the British sided with his opponent. France wanted to conquer Britain. William of Normandy claimed the throne of England. In the eighteenth century, a conflict for the seat of the Nawab of Carnatic flared up among the Indian rulers.  The English and the French saw this as a golden opportunity to enter the Carnatic politics.  The French offered military assistance to one of the aspirants while the British sided with his opponent.
What are the terms and conditions of the subsidiary alliance? The British will pay Indian rulers for protection. The British will allow Indian rulers to do yoga and eat vegetarian food in return for paying tribute. The British and the Indian rulers will form an alliance to fight against Austria, Germany and Turkey. The Indian rulers were given assurance of the British military assistance.  The Indian rulers were to keep a British military force in their territory giving that much revenue to the Company towards the maintenance of the force.  They could have political relations with other powers only through the mediation of the British.  They had to maintain a British resident or political agent at their courts. The Indian rulers were given assurance of the British military assistance.  The Indian rulers were to keep a British military force in their territory giving that much revenue to the Company towards the maintenance of the force.  They could have political relations with other powers only through the mediation of the British.  They had to maintain a British resident or political agent at their courts.
Why did the British make Mir Jafar the Nawab of Bengal again? Mir Kasim tried to check the illegal trade practices of the British. Bengal’s Nawab died without heir. Mir Jafar offered higher tribute. The British could not speak Bengali. Mir Kasim tried to check the illegal trade practices of the British.
Why did Peshwa Bajirao II go to war against the British? The British refused to learn Marathi. The British interference in the Maratha state increased after their victory in the second Anglo-Maratha war. The British conquered Salsette and Bassein. Peshwa Bajirao II wanted to annex Bombay. The British interference in the Maratha state increased after their victory in the second Anglo-Maratha war.