Synod on Synodality

Synod on Synodality is said to take place in Rome in October 2023.  Discussions are going on about 53 questions in parishes for preparation for Synod.  It seems to me the outcome is predetermined and discussions are a charade to say there was demand from faithful.  It happened in the case of Amoris Laetitia and Traditionis Custodes.  Francis wants to turn the Church inside out and upside down.

Anyway, here are my suggestions for discussion during Synod.

Many things need to be restored, some with modifications.  They are the following:

Eucharistic fast should be from midnight without food, liquid including water, and medicine. Communion should be received kneeling. Churches should have communion rails. Tabernacle should be in centre.

There should be no concelebration.

After Gospel reading those who are not members of the Church should be asked to leave.

All Fridays of the year and Wednesdays of Lent should be days of abstinence.

Ember Days and Rogation Days should be restored.  Rogation Days should be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after Ascension. Or Easter Season can be of 46 days and next three days can be Rogation Days with fast and abstinence.

Ember Days should be first Wednesday of March and Friday and Saturday that follow it, second Wednesday of June and Friday and Saturday that follow it, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday that follow Holy Cross Day and St. Lucy’s Day.  When Ash Wednesday comes on first Wednesday of March it should replace Ember Day.  When a Rogation Day comes on second Wednesday of June or on an Ember Day it should replace Ember Day.

Ember Days and 40 days of Lent should be days of fast.

It should be black vestments for Lent, funeral and requiem masses, Ember Days and Rogation Days, and All Souls Day.

Octaves and Vigils suppressed by Pius XII and others should be restored. – Restoration in Church – ಕೊಂಕಣ್ (

Sequences suppressed by Pius V should be restored.

Orders of porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte and subdiaconate should be restored.

Amice, maniple and such vestments should be restored.

Tenebrae, galero and 50 feet magna capa should be restored.

Easter house blessing by clerics should be restored.

Support for death penalty for murder and other high crimes should be restored.  John Paul II deviated in 1995.  Francis deviated further.

Christmas Season should be of 40 days.

Sunday mass should be on Sundays, not Saturday evenings.

Feasts should be as per day and date, not shifted to Sunday.

Time after Pentecost should be restored as Pentecost Season beginning with Pentecost Sunday.

Pre-1969 dress for bishops and cardinals should be restored.  Pope should wear tiara and use sedia gestatoria.

Marriage banns should be read at the end of all Sunday masses.

Cremation should be banned.  Burial at sea may be permitted.

I propose some changes.

Tridentine rite hierarchy should be set up.

Use of previous breviaries, lectionaries, missals, pontifical and sacramentaries should be permitted.

There should be no retirement age for clerics.  Seniormost priest in a diocese should become bishop.  Seniormost bishop in a province should become archbishop.  There should be no metropolitans.  Seniormost archbishop in a region should become cardinal.  Seniormost cardinal should become pope.

Married men who were permanent deacons for three years be ordained priests.

Penalties should be anathema, interdict, suspension and excommunication.

Grounds for excommunication – Excommunication – ಕೊಂಕಣ್ (

Dialogue with non-Christians should end.

Ecumenism with non-Catholic Christians should end.

Julian calendar should not be used to please Orthodox.

Canons 284 and 669 regarding ecclesiastical dress and religious habits should be enforced.

Church sanctity should be maintained.  Church is not a place for clapping, cutting cake, dancing, singing Happy Birthday and play acting. There should be no clapping during mass in church or outside. Church should not be used as dormitory for immigrants and refugees and for heathen worship which is an abomination and sacrilege.

Nuns should be trained in judo, karate and such arts of self-defence.  It is better if they are taught castration so that if anyone tries to rape a nun is unable to rape any female.

Christian Era, BC, AD, Happy Christmas should be defended.

Christianity does not have caste system.  Bishops in India should not demand reservations for Dalit Christians.  They should fight against SC/ST/OBC/EBC/EWS/Women’s reservations.

Inculturation should end.  In India it is Hinduisation.