Excommunication should be public. Person who is excommunicated and reason for excommunication should be made known to people. Automatic/latae sententiae excommunications are ineffective. In addition to the grounds listed below there can be others mentioned in Codes of Canon Law 1917 & 1983.
Grounds for excommunication should be following:
- Abduction
- Abetment to murder, rape, extortion, abduction, hijacking, kidnapping, terrorist act or any high crime.
- Abortion except in cases of pregnancy by deception, rape and saving mother’s life.
- Acid throwing
- Adultery
- Advertisement of harmful product
- Alcoholism/drunkenness
- Apostasy
- Arson
- Astrology
- Attempt to murder, rape, extortion, abduction, hijacking, kidnapping, terrorist act or any high crime.
- Attending mass in improper dress
- Baby stealing
- Banditry, brigandage
- Bestiality
- Betrayal
- Betting
- Black magic
- Black marketing
- Bootlegging
- Building heathen religious structure
- Calumny
- Cannibalism
- Casteism
- Celebrating/observing pagan festivals/practices
- Character assassination
- Cheating
- Claim to be other than male or female
- Communism
- Concubinage
- Corporatism
- Corruption – includes bribery.
- Coveting another person’s spouse
- Cultivation of harmful products
- Deception
- Defamation
- Drug addiction/peddling/trafficking
- Embezzlement
- Entrapment
- Extortion
- Fake news
- False claim
- False witness
- Fascism
- Food wastage – includes rubbing cake on face, breaking egg on head, dumping grain in sea.
- Forcible closure of schools, colleges, shops and other establishments stoppage of traffic during bandh (strike) or at other times
- Forgery
- Fornication
- Fraud
- Gambling
- Glorification of crime and criminals
- Glorification of sin and sinners
- Heathen religious observance e.g., iftar
- Heresy
- Highway robbery
- Hijacking
- Hoarding
- Hoax call about bomb
- Human trafficking
- Identity theft
- Idolatry
- Illicit distillation
- Immoral trafficking
- Impersonation
- Indecent proposal
- Infanticide
- Kidnapping
- Lottery
- Lucky Dip
- Match/session/spot/toss fixing
- Murder
- Narcotics and psychotropic substances – Consumption, cultivation, manufacture, sale etc.
- Not supporting/voting for a Bill that stops government/taxpayer money funding abortion.
- Not wearing proper ecclesiastical dress or habit
- Numerology
- Occupying roads
- Opposition to death penalty for murder and high crimes
- Opposition to Columbus Day, statues of Columbus.
- Opposition to Catholic heroes/heroines/institutions/saints.
- Opting for cremation or other forms of disposal of dead body other than burial.
- Organ removal/transplant from brain dead person
- Ownership of bar, casino, pub, tavern.
- Palmistry
- Pederasty
- Piercing ear, nose or any body part
- Pilfering over a long time
- Piracy
- Playing heathen deity in a play, film, TV or web series
- Polyamory
- Polygamy
- Production/transport/sale of heathen religious object
- Prestitution
- Prostitution
- Rape
- Referring to Christian Era as Common Era.
- Referring to Christmas as holidays.
- Sacrilege – blasphemy, desecration
- Manufacture/sale of beedi, cigar, cigarette and such tobacco products
- Schism
- Sex change/Performance of sex change surgery
- Sex with corpse
- Simony
- Skipping Sunday/Holy Day of Obligation Mass
- Smoking
- Socialism – includes Nazism
- Sorcery
- Spouse swap
- Stealing an object put for protection e.g., manhole cover, net to stop boulder/rock.
- Sting operation
- Supporting same sex marriage/union, euthanasia, assisted suicide, prostitution.
- Surrogacy
- Swindling
- Tarot card reading
- Tattoo
- Terrorism
- Threat to commit suicide
- Transgender/transexual/transvestite
- Treason
- Unnatural sex – includes anal/oral/interfemoral sex, dendrophilia, ichthyerastia, masturbation, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, sex with toy.
- Vandalism
- Voting against death penalty for murder and high crimes
- Voting in favour of same sex marriage/union, euthanasia, assisted suicide, prostitution.
- Voting in favour of revealing Confessional secret
- Washing feet of non-Catholic on Maundy Thursday
- Washing feet of women on Maundy Thursday or a woman allowing washing of her feet on Maundy Thursday
- Witchcraft
- Worship of deities of other religions or commanding/encouraging/permitting it or building place for such worship